They're Eating the Windows! They're Eating the Gas Stoves!

"This is the time that candidates go all out and throw everything against the wall to see what sticks. But there is a difference between a Hail Mary and just projectile vomiting random dreck like a sick freshman at a fraternity kegger. So, why do people believe this claptrap?"

They're Eating the Windows! They're Eating the Gas Stoves!
"Hey Dorothy! I don't see any windows!"

My lord, people. This is just getting stupefyingly brainless. At an appearance with several American Jewish organizations, the former President said this...

"We need all the defense we can get and a friend of mine, and a man who’s actually a great environmentalist, he really is a great one, and he wrote a book on Donald Trump is a great environmentalist, which is actually true, but a lot of people don’t know that. But I’m an environmentalist with common sense. I like buildings to have windows. You know, they’d like to close up all windows. The building should be built 90 stories tall but that doesn’t matter but can’t have any windows. I like buildings to have windows. They'd like to close up all windows. They’re saying buildings can’t have any windows."

I understand the GOP is working on a version of the Alexa Device that, instead of guiding you to the correct answers or music on the radio, will try to interpret what the former President is actually saying. I wish them luck. The great Gary Larson though, perfectly illustrated the challenge.

One presumes, and that's always dangerous in these cases, that he is talking about energy-efficient windows, but that's just a guess. And the book about him being a "great environmentalist" is called Donald J Trump: An Environmental Hero, by Edward Russo, who actually worked for Trump, so there's that.

According to the Guardian...

"The book seeks to counter a narrative – supported by robust evidence, including Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the Paris climate agreement, his assault on Obama-era environmental rules, and his complaints about excessive toilet flushing due to low water pressure – that the president actually doesn’t care very much about the planet."

Of course, this is the guy who called the climate crisis a Chinese hoax, and during a snowstorm asked why it's happening if there is global warming. But then again, he also said...

“I’m a big believer in that word, the environment.” 

OK, two words, but whatever. We can add this to the pet-eating Haitians who don't actually exist and the babies being offed after birth, who also are fictional. My colleague Jim Moore is this week going to cover the imaginary sex-change operations taking place in school nurse's offices so I'll leave that one to him.

Now, I know this is the time in any political campaign with a month or so to go, that candidates go all out and throw everything against the wall to see what sticks. But there is a difference between a Hail Mary and just projectile vomiting random dreck like a sick freshman at a fraternity kegger. So, why do people believe this claptrap?

I am concluding it is because we are now so divided in this country, that as long as the other guy didn't say it, I'll go with it. And though the ardent MAGA crowd is nowhere near a majority on the Republican side, sensible conservatives are so afraid of them that they put a cork in it when he goes on these farcical tangents. Oh, excuse me, when he practices "The Weave."

Consider the NRA. They are minuscule in number but punch above their weight in influence. And grown elected men and women are so scared of that influence that they will oppose even the most sensible gun legislation. It is simply fear.

Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio has slammed the Haitian pet idiocy as "garbage." And yet, this is the most negative thing he could summon up about the garbagemen themselves...

 “As a supporter of former President Donald Trump and Senator JD Vance, I am saddened by how they and others continue to repeat claims that lack evidence and disparage the legal migrants living in Springfield. This rhetoric hurts the city and its people, and it hurts those who have spent their lives there…. [T]heir verbal attacks against these Haitians – who are legally in the United States – dilute and cloud what should be a winning argument about the border.”

So, yeah, please stop, guys. I love you but do, please stop. I'm sure he means it, but not enough to say, "I'm done with these two."

Then there is the GOP candidate for Governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson.

"Danger, Mark Robinson! Danger!

He is the current Lieutenant Governor of the state, and the Republican nominee to move into the governor's mansion. He is full of bluster and a firehose of outrageous comments. He was in a church pulpit when he said "Some people just need killing."

Robinson said earlier this month during a campaign speech that transgender women should be “arrested” for using women’s bathrooms, adding at another event that they should instead "find a corner outside somewhere."

Robinson told an audience gathered at Moms for Liberty’s “Blessings of the Liberty Breakfast” in July last year that instead of criticizing the conservative group for quoting Hitler in their June newsletter, it’s time to “start reading” quotes from fascist strongmen like Hitler and Stalin.

And Mark is seemingly not a fan of the hit movie "Black Panther," writing...

“It is absolutely AMAZING to me that people who know so little about their true history and REFUSE to acknowledge the pure sorry state of their current condition can get so excited about a fictional ‘hero’ created by an agnostic Jew [Stan Lee] and put to film by satanic marxist. How can this trash, that was only created to pull the shekels out of your [slur] pockets, invoke any pride?”

OK, how about this one?

“Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few.” 

Donald Trump has praised him saying he's better than Martin Luther King. In fact he's like "Martin Luther King on steroids."

Well, you can add Viagra and meth as well because Mark has been revealed as a patron of several porn sites, making, uh, fairly graphic comments along the way. He referred to himself as a "Black NAZI" and seems to have a taste for transsexual porn, no matter where they go to the bathroom.

Is his campaign over? Will North Carolinians vote for the Democrat? I wouldn't take money on that.

Yeah, not sure this one counts.

Democrats have the same whistling past the graveyard attitude when it comes to unpleasant facts. At this point, there is no ignoring the fact that Kamala Harris has decided to avoid real interviews like 60 Minutes or any of the morning shows. OK, a fairly short one with Dana Bash, but as I mentioned awhile back, it was a dip in the shallow end of the issues pool. And Oprah? Really?

Dems have to tiptoe around Palestinian protestors and try to satisfy them with talk of a Two-State Solution. Now, I happen to believe that is the only way to a lasting peace in the Middle East, but we do nothing to further that cause. And now the region is on fire again.

They have to ignore the most bizarre comments from representatives like Rashida Tlaib and others, by sticking their fingers in their ears and making blah-blah noises. Of course, Republicans have to do that whenever Marjorie, Lauren, or Matt open their pie holes as well, but still.

"I keep telling myself, we're in the same party. We're in the same party."

People like Representative Jared Moskowitz have to ignore Tlaib while Ted Cruz kisses the ring of a man who called his wife ugly and his dad an assassin.

The most craven phone solicitation in history.

And the folks at the rallies? There are genuine concerns in that crowd, and Democrats would be foolish to dismiss them. OK, some look like the audience at a tractor pull and say truly dumb things on camera. But they live here just like you and have real worries for their lives, jobs and kids. Trump pretends to care, and they buy it. If you want them to think about your arguments, start talking to them like real people, not politicians.

They shop, pay rent or mortgages, fill up the tank and wonder how to afford college for little Dick and Jane. I know the economy is actually good, but our memories are short. They long for what they think was a better time under Trump, not looking at graphs and pie charts that show otherwise.

The future scares them and you can talk about the economic benefits of immigration until you are blue in the face, and they only see brown people coming across the border. They will be easy marks for conspiracy theories and vote against their best interests. We can't even convince them to get vaccinated anymore.

OK, maybe don't try bad dancing.

How do you reach these folks? Frankly, I'm not sure you can and both parties are too frightened to tell them the truth. Life will change, jobs will change, Russia is not our friend, AI is going to reshape everything and the climate is worsening and we are doing F**k-all about it.

As long as ignorant people shout "Commie" and "Fascist" randomly, these folks will be hard to reach. Don't explain the niceties of a Webster definition of these misused words. They won't hear it.

I watched an interesting film on TV last night called "Civil War." It was well done and did a decent job of outlining the divide we face. I don't think anyone will start shooting to be honest, but given that we never truly recovered from the original one, I'm not sure I'd bet on that either.

Roger Gray has toiled at the journalism trade since 1970 and his first radio news job at KTRH in Houston. Over those woefully misspent years, he has worked in radio, TV and written for magazines. He was twice elected President of the Texas Automobile Writers Association and was elected to the Texas Radio Hall of Fame. He covered the first Persian Gulf War, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the reunification of Germany, Oslo Accords in Israel and peace talks in Ireland. He interviewed writers, actors, politicians and every President from Ford to George W, and none of them remember him.Now, he is part of the Texas Outlaw Writers, and if this doesn't pan out, the outlaw part will still work as he will indeed resort to robbing banks.