Science The Last Card? While the narrative of Von Braun’s “Last Card” theory unrolls like a terrific science fiction novel that might have been written by Isaac Asimov, the Internet and UFO groups are abuzz with either fantastical or prescient interpretations of the recent shoot downs of “objects” of North America...
Jesus on the Jumbotron The exercise of influence is a fundamental goal. Philanthropy might be too Jesus-y. They want to create more conservative Christians because right-wing Christianity, which they thought would lead to political power, is destroying the church.
Black History Walkin' in Memphis Racism is as much about power as it is hatred of others, but black policemen killing a mostly innocent young black man is about something we cannot grasp.
personal stories Zen and the Art of Remaining Upright When I had first encountered Robert M. Pirsig’s book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values... I kept rereading through the years and grew to appreciate its subtle teachings. “The real cycle you’re working on,” he wrote, “is a cycle called ‘yourself.’
Texas Politics All Hail the Mighty State Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s latest fascist edict is to ban the media from the Senate floor. This adds another level of constraint to the dissemination of the truth to keep voters informed and able to make decisions that rid the legislature of people like Mr. Patrick.
personal stories The Great Voice of the Great Plains Is there a list somewhere of things I am not supposed to say?” “Don’t try to be funny your first day on the job.” “When can I try to be funny?” “Not on our air.” “I suppose you’re right. Humor never works anywhere, does it?” “Look, we are a time, temperature, and news format.” “That’s a format?”
personal stories Down Mexico Way We were stopped by soldiers with automatic weapons slung over their shoulders. They came up with a plastic bucket and were taking donations to support a political candidate. Not contributing seemed like a bad option when the soliciting party was armed. $10 got us on our way into the mountains.
The American Scheme If you wonder how America got to its present state of bipolar dysfunction, the answer is the interbreeding of media, corporate interests, and political ambitions, which combine to destroy scrutiny of right and wrong. It wasn't long ago when lying and exaggeration ruined a politician’s career.
Conspiracy theories American Coup: The Day Democracy Died “American Coup” is the true story of a pivotal moment for the United States. It’s the tale of how an ambitious young man from the Hill Country aligned himself with economic, intelligence, and military forces to kill a president in order to replace him. LBJ was complicit in the killing of JFK...
Immigration The First Reich of Texas “The house that you live in will never fall down when you pity the stranger that stands at your gate.” - Lightfoot
national politics Growing Up "We were a Dixie Diaspora, believing hard work was the magic for fulfilling dreams, not just breaking backs and hearts. The repeated tasks of a factory floor held more allure than swinging a hoe and chopping cotton along the Mississippi River, but it might have even been harder on the spirit."
Border The Coming Sadness In 1997, Esequiel Hernandez became the first American killed on native soil by this country’s military since the May 4, 1970, National Guard killings at Kent State during a Vietnam War protest. More American guns are pointing south along the border now. The odds go up daily for another tragedy.
Texas Politics The Border Lords "...every executive order by Greg Abbott, regarding the border with Mexico, increases the risk of an incident even more horrendous than the current humanitarian crisis on our doorstep."
national politics The Saga of Jim Jordan's Jacket “Government remains the paramount area of folly because it is there that men seek power over others - only to lose it over themselves.” - Barbara Tuchman, Author, The Guns of August
Texas Politics What's the Matter with Texas? “The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.” - Winston Churchill
Texas History The Boys of Praha "In the space of 12 months and nine days, Praha gave up most of its youth -- and nearly all of its future -- to confront unimaginable forms of evil on faraway continents."
personal stories Cowboy Down “One cannot be pessimistic about the West. This is the native home of hope. When it fully learns that cooperation, not rugged individualism, is the quality that most characterizes and preserves it, then it will have achieved itself and outlived its origins." - Wallace Stegner, Western author
national politics Why I Went to the Woods, Too The gears of our democracy, oiled with the blood of patriots, are being jammed by liars and theorists who no longer believe it works, and no outcome, other than one that pleases their constituents, is to be believed.
personal stories The Guns of October “Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount.”― Gen. Omar N. Bradley
Texas Politics No Bugles, No Drums "Ten members of the Texas National Guard have died in the Texas governor’s multi-billion-dollar presidential campaign commercial called “Operation Lone Star,” and Abbott has offered them anonymity, not honor, for their deaths."
Podcast Somebody to Look Down On “And that’s what just kills me,” George said. “I gotta go to bed every night now for the next four goddamn years thinkin’ about a n***er in my White House. What the hell is wrong with this country?”
personal stories When Horses Could Fly My mother’s love gave me the courage to say no. Even if I wanted to indulge in their teenaged stupidity, I resisted because getting caught and arrested would have destroyed Ma. She wanted something better, which she was unable to even define, for her kids.
Religion The Least of These “The bosom of America is open to receive not only the opulent and respected stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all nations and religions; whom we shall welcome to a participation of all our rights and privileges.” - President George Washington
personal stories The Wounds of War I did not want to live in Canada because it was colder than Michigan, but I figured it was much better than dying in the jungles of VietNam for no apparent reason. With my low draft number, I was certain to be inducted and sent to basic and on to Southeast Asia.
Texas Politics Ann Richards and the Lost Eagle The center of attention was a woman, the governor of the state of Texas, who had just released an American bald eagle from her leather-sheathed and extended arm. She'd made plans to raft Santa Elena Canyon with friends before returning to Austin. “Why don’t y’all come along?” She was speaking to us.