Trump America First. Women and Children Last. Wherein we find the only "Big Balls" belong to that 19-year-old DOGE punk.
Trump "Clean Up on Aisle 3" Nikki Haley tried to warn us. "I don’t think Trump's the right president at the right time going forward." "People know what a disaster he’s been and will continue to be... I’m not afraid to say the hard truth out loud. I feel no need to kiss the ring.” And then like the rest, she voted for him.
Trump Forget it, Jake. It's California. We're only a week into this. Let's talk about the conflagration in California. There's a FEMA trailer full of misinformation surrounding the fires that's worth examining.
Trump And...We're Off! Correcting the veritable fire hose of misinformation and just plain dumbassery is exhausting. And frankly, after the first four years of trying, everyone is just plain worn out.
Trump BOHICA. Bend Over, Here It Comes Again Forgive the Army slang, but it fits. Wait, let me rephrase that.
political communication Denial Isn't Just a River "I re-invented my image so many times that I'm in denial that I was originally an overweight Korean woman." -David Bowie
Economy Cry Havoc and Let Loose Elon and Vivek America just didn't realize until now that it's all our fault. Elon and Vivek will explain it to you.
Trump Political Incompetence Will Save Us This week has convinced me. We are in capably bumbling hands. The inability of enough members to compromise on anything ensures that the coming Congress will be as unproductive as the last, meaning minimal damage to the programs we all depend on.
Trump Only One President At a Time? How Quaint. One presumes, knowing flattery is the ultimate diplomatic tool with this guy, that Macron, Trudeau, and even Scarborough are just being prudent and rubbing the big fella's belly, cooing like he was a pet poodle.
sports Football? Hell No, Son! I would have loved having a son - playing catch, and working with him on his baseball skills, or reminding him his grandfather was a state champion pole vaulter, but there would come that day. He would want to play football.
Trump How Much is That DOGE in the Window? Cut science and medical research? Musk won't touch the NASA budget. But the medical side? Well, between RFK, Jr's brain worm and Dr. Oz, we could make measles great again.
personal stories To Lose a Dog We've all been there. It doesn't make it hurt less. But there isn't a better representation of all that is good than a family dog.
Election America, You Amaze Me Sometimes When the phrase "Hobson's Choice" doesn't begin to cover it.
Election Too Little, Too Late to Change This The inflation that occurred during and after the pandemic when supply chains imploded, hasn't completely come down. Since supply is not the issue, one might reasonably ask, why? And more importantly, what can Trump or Harris do about it?
Trump Another Week in Political Paradise "To anyone new to this country trying to figure out our political decision-making practices, I simply want to apologize. It didn't used to be this way."
Election Don't Argue! I Know What I Know! "Why are so many of us impervious to actual facts? Why do we simply take someone's word for anything, particularly when shown they are wrong? By wrong, I mean lying."
So Many Idiots, So Little Time Please, Lord, let me write about the Texans. So sorry, between today and November 5th, and maybe sometime afterward if we get more inbred yahoos gathered at the capitol, it will be tough to write about anything but politics.