Trump Alarming On So Many Levels Being President is not a debating contest any more than it's a golf game. But it's one thing to have a bad debate, and as a former debater I know how that feels, and another to reveal things that alarm folks.
Election My Debate Prep Involves Whisky "We are sure to hear the buzzwords that have made our national eyes roll every time some self-described pundit uses them. I'm not by nature a violent man, but I find my grandfather's antique Smith & Wesson mighty tempting when one of them talks about the "Weaponization" of anything."
education Darwin, Schmarwin. My Kid Ain't Learnin' That! How about we just call it, "counter-indoctrination?"
Trump Fact Checking is for Suckers We continue our seemingly never ending series on gullible politics.
Trump Trumpus Agonistes There is, not a pseudo-religious devotion from evangelical clergy and their followers, but it seems genuinely religious. It is indeed as though Trump is seen as a heaven-sent savior for a nation that is actually, cruising along fairly well.
national politics Inside Our Party Bubbles Should the big things be of concern? Of course! Social Security, Medicare, the horrors of Gaza. But we're a parochial people and the big picture, foreign affairs, they're far down the list, sadly. Most middle-class folks are more worried about the price of eggs at Kroger.
Trump A Sham, A Scam and a Witchhunt Lining up behind a candidate in a show of party loyalty is one thing, but slavish devotion in the face of so much slime is quite another. I make this observation as someone who has actually worked in two political campaigns in my life, one Democratic and one Republican.
Israel Biden Did What! On Meet the Press today, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-Belle Reve) was so aflutter when the host mentioned the Reagan precedent, he will need to take to his fainting couch for a spell.
national politics What's the Matter With Kids Today? Gang, we've been here before. In spades. At least we can all agree on one thing - the music was so much better back then.
Automotive Big, Bad Trucks and the Suburbanites Who Drive Them We love to bitch and moan about the price of gas no matter who is President, but what do we do about it? Well, we buy Suburbans.
Trump Inciteful Analysis, and a Cheap Boob Joke Read about Israel, Iran, John Kennedy, MTG, Chip Roy, and of course, Trump! Now with a free tacky joke! You're welcome!
International Politics My Melancholy Bibi I have lost a couple of Palestinian friends due to what they perceive as my Israeli bias. I will no doubt see the opposite effect among my Jewish friends. But politics is politics, here or there.
national politics Alternate Facts, Yeah, That's the Ticket. It seems the lies don't matter if it's your guy or gal. It has ever been thus. Add a polarized press to the mix and you have a recipe for some really lousy goulash.
Trump Happy Easter and Vote for Me Come unto me all ye who travail and are heavy laden, and I'll relieve you of the weight of all that money.
national politics Congress: Delta House Without the Fun "Every fall the trees are filled with underwear, every spring the toilets explode."
Travel Can We All Take a Break and Be Irish for a Moment? Come on, give politics a rest and be happy for one day. On Monday, it's a handful of Advils and politics as usual.
Texas Politics Ignore the Man Behind the Curtain In terms of issues on America's plate, there is more than Ukraine and Gaza to worry about. And Yass is just one of the many who have amassed a ton of cash and aren't afraid to spend it. In Texas, Three West Texas billionaires have quietly taken over Republican politics in the state.
Trump We've Been Here Before "The fear of speaking ill of Putin is so great that when Vlad killed his chief critic, Alexei Navalny, the only mention from Donald J. Trump was to compare his legal troubles to Navalny. One more reminder, Mr. President, Navalny is, uh, dead."
national politics When Life is Like a Story in the Onion "The party that once called the President a fascist and dictator, now wants him to solve the border crisis by Presidential decree. The folks who were adamant they needed a border bill, now say, Joe could have solved this all by himself."
Baseball It's February, People. Spring Training has Started I'm having trouble focusing on politics. I mean, come on, baseball's coming.
International Politics Can Anyone Here Play This Game? Governor Ironside here in Texas has decided "Supreme Court/Schmupreme Court. I'll do what seems expedient...I mean, right and proper." Our Attorney General is tracking down trans kids in hospitals in other states. Mexican people are drowning in the Rio Grande and Willie still can't get legal weed.