Trump All You Stormy Daniels Fans, Relax. Simmer down, folks. He doesn't see jail time...for this one anyway.
media You Hate Me! You Really Hate Me! As someone who has been at it with greater or lesser success for 52 years and counting, I wanted to tell you what it’s like on the inside, and how we in the press feel about it.
national politics The "Weaponization" of, Well, Everything Apparently The next person who says something is "woke" will force me into court on assault charges.
Texas History History for Grownups, Not Politicians We all know that wonderful line in “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance,” that "when the facts meet the legend, print the legend." And legends are what these politicos want to promote, no matter how slanted and incomplete that history is.
personal stories David Crosby and My Brother Everyone's wish for a "Happy New Year" doesn't stave off personal loss. Grief has no calendar. Before time runs out, there's something you can do.
national politics Really? In the Garage? Biden, Santos, Patrick, Abbott and the Cowboys. It's a target-rich environment.
climate change What Climate Debate? It's Over. The most calamitous effects of our denial and delay are now baked into the future. ...We have blown our opportunity to do anything meaningful to stop the worst effects of climate change.
Journalism My War Story As the Anglican Archbishop of East Jerusalem - a Palestinian Christian - Samir Khafiti told me on this trip, “For people here, the Bible is like yesterday’s newspaper. They are fighting battles that go back centuries.”
media Putin's Poodle Is it a coincidence that Tucker rhymes with sucker? Others, even less restrained than I, might suggest other rhymes...
national politics Just Shut Up and Dribble Who knew hostage swaps could get so political? Oh, who are we kidding? We all knew.
Energy Enjoy Last Summer? Here It Comes Again. How one Texas non-thinking think tank is shaping the debate. (I'm looking at you, Texas Public Policy Foundation.)
national politics OK, It's Official. We're Screwed. Trump, Musk, Kim and Cruz. What a depressing week.
US History Last Flight of the Texas Raiders The tragedy in Dallas should cause some introspection and rule changes.
national politics It's Time to Play, "Who Got Cheated!" By the time you read this it's history anyway.
national politics Margaret! This Guy is Using a Lot of Numbers Again! Hey kids! Let's play balance the budget! OK, we won't really, but let's pretend.
national politics The Man on the White Horse People keep looking for a guy with simple answers who will solve all our problems. It usually doesn't end well.
national politics Political Chutzpah on Steroids What is the obsession with Social Security? The GOP has fumed about it since Franklin Roosevelt proposed it and got it passed in 1935. The decades-long drumbeat of these programs being “socialist” has convinced too many voters to feel, “screw grandma, we have principles to uphold.”
national politics Politics Is Like A Box Of Chocolates Longtime political strategist James Carville suggested Tuesday that Republicans are running “very low-quality candidates” in the midterms because “they have a lot of stupid people that vote in their primaries.”
Texas Politics If I were asking the questions... Stop beating around the bush folks, and hold their feet to the fire.
Religion Render Unto the Orange Julius Caesar... Religion and politics can be a toxic mix and one that Jefferson guy warned us about.