Donnie Darwin
They don’t have a plan. But they do have a goal. And the results will have an effect similar to eugenics. Elonald is doing surgery on government budgets with a chainsaw. The blunt force trauma of their cuts is designed to rid this country and the wider world of vulnerable populations and reinforce structures of privilege and power. It has nothing to do with saving taxpayers’ money. The sick who cannot afford health care will die. The poor who cannot buy food will starve to death. The handicapped who cannot work will be cast into the street, unable to pay the rent or purchase groceries. And all the federal government employees indiscriminately fired for no reason will discover there are no social safety nets to assist them through economic crises.
Elonald will not speak openly about what they want to achieve but the outcome is already looking like a form of engineered social Darwinism. They are determined to create an environment where the wealthy and powerful thrive while marginalized groups struggle to survive, and eventually, cease to exist. Their economic policies, both domestically and internationally, are formulated to build structural inequities that, at a minimum, resemble the goals of historical eugenics movements, even if that is not how they are explicitly framed. The goal is unspeakable, not unknowable. Elonald sees no justification for the existence of the poor and wants to eliminate the risk of having to see them living out in the real world.
Ending DEI was the first tactic toward curtailing the opportunities for minorities. When historic cultural and economic dynamics are removed from considerations for hiring, ethnic minorities and the poor are pushed back into a place of disfavor. Educational resources will probably not be as good in low-income neighborhoods, which means chances of entering into a higher educational institution are reduced. White students from communities with high tax bases will have attended better schools with more capable teachers and upgraded technology for learning. They will have advantages not available in rural reaches of this country or in the low income housing projects of inner cities. The idea that DEI is no longer needed, that the scales of opportunity have been balanced, is the greatest lie of our age.
The Government Auditor Arrives with His Chainsaw
The rich man’s golden wrecking ball is also swinging through public education in states like Texas. Before the legislature adjourns late this spring, it will have doled out public tax dollars by the billions to private schools, draining the anemic budgets of thousands of public school districts. Families already paying $20-$40,000 in tuition to send their children to private secular and Christian schools, will be able to take the $10,000 allotment for their child and use it as a down payment on their dreams of elitism. Public schools will barely be able to function on their remaining budgets and end up forced to increase tax levies because the state has failed once more its constitutional responsibility to provide an equal education for every child, a consistency that has had Texas government in and out of courts since the landmark 1969 case Rodriguez v Board of Education.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott, whose evil becomes more like dementia on an hourly basis, has an actual plan to stop school districts from raising taxes to make up for state shortfalls. He wants legislation that will require local voters to approve of any tax increase by a two-thirds margin, the kind of consensus that only could be achieved in the Texas capitol by voting for Jesus Christ as the greatest American to ever live. Abbott is confident he can make this happen because a TikTok billionaire gave him millions to spend campaigning against legislators who opposed his public school theft program last session. This is a profoundly cynical and perfect political locution for Abbott. Republican conservative lawmakers take no voter heat for raising taxes to pay for public schools and Abbott is positioned as an anti-tax hero by stopping local increases. Voters who understand this shell game are vastly outnumbered by their fellow citizens too stupid to breathe without being reminded.
Texas becomes a dream state petri dish for the mad government experiments of Elonald. Families that cannot afford private school tuition, even subsidized by state tax dollars, must leave their children in public schools where lower teacher pay and fewer resources mean a diminished education. The poor will be subsidizing the rich and using tax cash to also help the proliferation of Christian schools. Church and state have sex and never separate. The poor stay poor and tax money sends more rich little Christians marching off to universities where they increase the educational and economic distance between themselves and those less fortunate students they left back home on the other side of the levee. The governor looks like another tax hero for the wealthy and as he rolls away to huzzahs the public schools behind him turn decrepit and collapse; the social dream of equal education becomes a vestigial organ of our culture.
An army of privileged Christians then walks out across the land and claims to be a devoted servant of the sweet baby Jesus even as it strolls casually past the hungry begging on the streets. God’s soldiers spent billions on razor wire, the guns of lawmen, and construction companies on the take at the border. This is all of a piece with the machinations of Elonald. Even their tariffs are about economic consolidation of influence and power and have nothing to do with putting more money into the U.S. Treasury. A high school economics teacher has failing students who understand that a ten percent tariff doesn’t mean ten percent of that product’s value is going to the collecting agency. Instead, it only adds ten percent to the cost of a product because the importer has to recover its investment and cannot eat that ten percent without destroying a profit margin.
Who pays for the tariff? The little guy, of course, who pays for most everything even as Elonald’s corporate tax cuts are extended. The poor and middle class will carry the burden of the costs of tariffs because almost every product they purchase will increase in price, and in many cases, almost dramatically. They have less disposable income and an education to change their economic status moves into the category of unachievable dreams. Why keep trying when all the escape routes are cut off? Elonald creates an economy and culture that benefits a small elite percentage of the population and tariffs become an essential tool of converging power structures.
Even the attack on vaccines is a tactic of social Darwinism. People refusing to vaccinate their children to protect them from deadly diseases are facilitating population control, helping to eliminate their own kind. The uneducated are convinced of microchips in Covid vaccines and that the MMR triple jab to stop childhood measles, mumps, and rubella is the cause for the increase in autism. As these diseases proliferate throughout the population and children die in increasing numbers, social Darwinism begins to look like eugenics because it has the same cumulative effect. Undesirable demographics are reduced by forces of nature left unchecked. Now the wealthy, who give lip service to the dangers of vaccination while making sure they get the shots, no longer have to worry about seeing the suffering on the streets or in the news. Elonald and their consorts can have their motorcades speed past the bodies in the great American ditch.
The culling of the human herd will accelerate with the diminishment of Medicaid, which will be labeled as fraudulent and a crime against taxpayers. In states like Texas, the government has refused to expand Medicaid and two dozen rural hospitals have closed in the past few decades. The sick and indigent, and especially the chronically ill, must find a way to reach a larger community for care; especially when there are emergencies. Often, before transport can be arranged, acute cases become fatal. Doctors and nurses have left town to find gainful employment in cities with hospitals and clinics, except Medicaid cuts will make it harder for the underprivileged to get through those doors. The dying and the suffering exponentially multiplies and the numbers of those undesirable demographics decline. There are fewer “unpersons” to worry about.
When policies disproportionately benefit the wealthy while harming lower-income and marginalized groups, they contribute to a system where survival and success are determined by economic status rather than merit or need. This, in effect, mirrors the principles of social Darwinism, which suggests that only the "fittest,” typically those with wealth and power, deserve to thrive. When these policies are refined to do even more harm and eliminate basic survival, they lead to eugenics and the elimination of “undesirables.” This accounts for the consistent funding and political attacks on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) known as Obamacare, as well as Medicaid. As of February 2025, 24.2 million Americans have health insurance plans through the ACA while 72.1 million were enrolled in Medicaid and 7.2 million children in the federal CHIP program, a total of 79.3 million individuals relying on Washington to deliver their health care.
Try to think of any logical reason to reduce or defund such programs. Even before the ascension of Elonald, congressional conservatives led a drive to throttle back funding for public education and student loan assistance, making it harder for lower-income students to access quality education and improve their socioeconomic status. Almost concomitantly, attacks were launched against the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to cut funding and potentially leave millions without access to essential nutrition. These reductions disproportionately affect communities of color, low-income families, and individuals with disabilities, reinforcing a system in which economic privilege determines access to basic survival needs. By reducing social safety net support systems, conservative policies create conditions where only those with pre-existing advantages can live robustly, mirroring the exclusionary principles of historical eugenics movements that sought to favor certain populations over others.
The policies of Elonald and DOGE are not actually about saving the government money. Consider deregulation, as another example of harm. Corporations not worrying about government oversight make more money and have no real concerns about environmental and labor protections, which leads to severe consequences for public health and worker safety. Who does that impact? Surely, you’ve figured out by now there are severe consequences narrowly focused on marginalized communities that will endure reduced worker safety and harms to public health. Rolling back environmental protections has already led to increased pollution in low-income and minority neighborhoods, exacerbating health disparities as the elite keep weakening labor laws and worker protections. This makes it harder for low-wage workers to demand fair pay and safe working conditions, continually perpetuating cycles of poverty.
Elonald’s approach is intended to reinforce economic stratification and disproportionately harm those without financial and political power. This aligns with a worldview that values the success of the privileged over the well-being of the broader population. Their ventures in space exploration, electric vehicles, and artificial intelligence might be celebrated as innovations, but they also reinforce existing economic hierarchies. The opposition to unionization in Tesla factories limits workers' ability to advocate for better wages and working conditions, keeping wealth concentrated at the top. Advocacy for privatized space travel and AI development reflects a vision of the future where economic power determines access to technological advancements, rather than equitable distribution of resources.
Want to get even more Orwellian? Musk’s investments in longevity research and trans-humanist technologies suggest a future where only the wealthy can afford life-extending innovations, exacerbating existing class disparities. This makes certain the poor will die as the privileged fly on into the cosmos in their Rolls Royce rocket ships. When only the elite benefit from advancements, while others struggle with declining social services and economic precariousness, the result is a system that implicitly favors certain populations over others, which mimics the exclusionary aspects of eugenics. Elonald might argue that is not intentional but they’d be lying, as they have about almost everything.
The harm is not designed to remain within the borders of the U.S., either. Foreign policy choices by Elonald’s government facilitate resources and practices that kill specific peoples. Suddenly, an ally like Ukraine is betrayed in favor of a mass murderer and war monger in Russia. The uncountable dead in the assault on a democracy and NATO ally have no influence on the American presidency, which sees greater economic gains in cooperation with Russia. Elonald wants Ukraine to pay the U.S. back for weapons it supplied to resist Russia’s aggressive invasion but has no concern about the billions in bombs, planes, and guns delivered to Israel to conduct its genocide against the Palestinians. Meanwhile, defunding USAID’s food and global health initiatives has already prompted dying by the helpless, which will eliminate victims of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and maternal health.
An immigrant is hard at work destroying a nation that was built on the backs of immigrants. Who will stop him?