Abortion How I Voted A few weeks after Ma had the procedure, whatever it might have been, the local newspaper ran a story about an abortion doctor in Saginaw who had been arrested for running a clinic out of a motel. Pictures were of dark filthy rooms with trash and rumpled blankets and tossed bloody towels.
Election America, You Amaze Me Sometimes When the phrase "Hobson's Choice" doesn't begin to cover it.
Election' TX Outlaw Writers: We Endorse... Shouldn't The Outlaws take a principled stand and endorse a candidate? We're not the type to sell out! I mean, we're willing to hear an offer, but you can count on us to do the right thing! (How much did you say again?)
Texas Politics What's the Matter with Texas? “The rest of this country’s lost its goddamned mind,” I heard one of them say. “They say he is gonna win again.” "I’d sure as hell let him know we don’t like the idea of no damn n****r in our White House. Don’t matter how much time he spent at Harvard, he’s still a n****r and it ain’t right.”
Election Too Little, Too Late to Change This The inflation that occurred during and after the pandemic when supply chains imploded, hasn't completely come down. Since supply is not the issue, one might reasonably ask, why? And more importantly, what can Trump or Harris do about it?
Election A Turbulent and Troubled Land "We refuse to own our history, to learn from it, and cannot know who we truly are as a people or what binds us as a nation, because we have been hiding from ourselves for too long."
Trump the girlfriend rule Which of your friends has gone to the Dark Side, politically speaking? Use the same observational skills you used when trying to get a deeper understanding of that attractive date you brought to meet your pals.
Trump Another Week in Political Paradise "To anyone new to this country trying to figure out our political decision-making practices, I simply want to apologize. It didn't used to be this way."
Election Donny is Done The most confounding element of this election is the ability of the MAGAts to listen to Trump speak and still consider giving him their vote. His speeches are filled with his strange non-sequiturs and speech pathologies that would have him sent to a rest home by most families.
Election Don't Argue! I Know What I Know! "Why are so many of us impervious to actual facts? Why do we simply take someone's word for anything, particularly when shown they are wrong? By wrong, I mean lying."
Energy Texas's Wobbly Marriage to Oil and Gas "The state has been flirting with some of those new-fangled energy sources. And maybe more than flirting, lately, we've jumped into bed with an eager, renewable energy mistress."
Music The Pilgrim/Chapter 34 "I've always thought “Bobby McGee” was suffused with immortality. The story defined America - 2 lovers wandering the roads trying to discover their country and each other. I wanted that life, writing and drifting, and Kristofferson became the thematic soundtrack of my dreams, and then my actions."
So Many Idiots, So Little Time Please, Lord, let me write about the Texans. So sorry, between today and November 5th, and maybe sometime afterward if we get more inbred yahoos gathered at the capitol, it will be tough to write about anything but politics.
War The Last Battle of Rudy Gonzalez “My grandparents and aunt never accepted Uncle Rudy’s death,” Rudy’s nephew Jerry Gonzalez said. “They hoped, prayed, and believed that one day he was going to come home, walk through their front door. Every day they woke with fresh faith. Every day for decades.
Culture Words, Words, Words Like any modern cultural contagion, nonsensical corporate blather has spread to civilian use, mainly via social media. We hardly do anything in person anymore, so you're likely to hear this junk being overused as you scroll your Facetagram pages, or whatever media you pay attention to.
Trump Little Johnny's Sex Change "Out of all the senile rantings the Republican presidential candidate spouts off, the 'trans surgery at schools' trope clearly establishes his disconnect from reality and the psychotic break he has undergone."
Election They're Eating the Windows! They're Eating the Gas Stoves! "This is the time that candidates go all out and throw everything against the wall to see what sticks. But there is a difference between a Hail Mary and just projectile vomiting random dreck like a sick freshman at a fraternity kegger. So, why do people believe this claptrap?"
Election' A Culture of Cowardice I thought about a conversation I had with him on an airplane once because of the recent speculation that George W. Bush might endorse Kamala Harris. Sure, there is a non-zero chance of that happening, but I suggest you place your bets elsewhere.
Trump To Spite Your Face Trump lopped off his nose in the debate. In addition, his campaign, close allies, and the whole GOP are an army of noseless ghouls wreaking havoc on others. An entire political party bent on cutting off their nose simply to spite their face.
Guns Cemetery America "We avert our eyes from the cause and nod sadly at the effect, but take no steps to prescribe a solution. The culture of the gun in the U.S. has lost no battles in the modern era. Our politics keep fertilizing the bloody fields with fewer and fewer controls."
Trump Useful Idiots Yeah, it's Russia, Russia, Russia again. That's only because it is. It's as though Reagan said, "Mr. Gorbachev, do whatever the hell you want with this wall."
Election Death Branding and Other Cons "It is all marketing and brand because the reason people choose things 98 percent of the time is not rational. It’s emotional."