International Politics Can Anyone Here Play This Game? Governor Ironside here in Texas has decided "Supreme Court/Schmupreme Court. I'll do what seems expedient...I mean, right and proper." Our Attorney General is tracking down trans kids in hospitals in other states. Mexican people are drowning in the Rio Grande and Willie still can't get legal weed.
Border What Now? What happens now? When the Border Patrol comes to exercise its federal authority to cut the razor wire to take immigrants into custody, will Texas soldiers turn their guns on fellow citizens charged with enforcing the law?
education Weapons of Class Destruction: Education wars for Power and Mind control Attempts to hide or manipulate information and truth are not new. This is the weapon of choice by those who want to control the minds, actions, finances, and lives of others.
national politics Boeing! Boeing! "You might be surprised to hear what one portion of the population thinks is the real problem behind the 737 Max mishaps. It's the black guys."
environment Cold Weather Me and friends from Houston have gone skiing out west. We’d unzip jackets and even remove them. It was dry there. We weren’t the wimps we seemed.
Economy Masters of Our Universe So many of our Masters of the Universe want to escape earth in their rocketships. If these guys are so smart... smart enough to plot interstellar real estate development, why aren't they smart enough to solve a few problems here, at home?
Immigration Slamming Shut the Golden Door “We lead the world because unique among nations, we draw our people, our strength from every country and every corner of the world. Here in America, we breathe life into dreams. We create the future. If we ever closed the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost.”
Trump My Emails Are Trumptastic! "He actually looked into a camera and in front of God and everyone, said that Donald Trump will unite the country. Even New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu (R), couldn't keep from laughing, saying even Trump wouldn't believe that."
national politics Hope is Not a Strategy The apparent inevitability that Trump will become the GOP’s nominee for the third straight time ought to force Democrats into extreme introspection on their armaments in the coming battle for the republic, instead of making unsafe assumptions about its outcome.
national politics The Voters Speak. Well, Mumble, Really It's Caucus Week in Iowa! where it's so cold that well diggers across the state are protecting their posteriors. Brass monkeys are banging on the door to be let in. Witches are wearing electric warming bras. In short, it's chilly.
personal stories Adventures of a Young Man: The Searcy Incident I went into the studio, squeaked up my voice, and recorded: “Serving 22 homes, three gas stations, two donut shops, and ten thousand pickup trucks, this is KNAB, Burlington, Colorado,” which was followed by a tinkling of bells.
International Politics Greeting 2024 with Bright Red Feathers "The drag performer Eula Rochards who outed "Kitara Ravache" (George Santos' performer name) was fairly surprised to hear that he was a Republican."
US History History Does Rhyme After All "Though most of the South had already seceded, when it came time to count electoral votes on February 21st, a crowd formed outside the Capitol with the intent of breaking in and with or without a buffalo horn headdress, disrupting the counting of the electoral votes to confirm Lincoln's victory."
Trump Night, Night, Nikki Haley’s education and experience exceed the tenth grade in Depression era Mississippi reached by my racist father, but she is acting just as influenced by the ways of the old South. Her wizened, conservative, little heart has been unable to surrender the icons and values of Dixie.
US History Frankly My Dear, the Base Doesn't Give a Damn Trump is facing trial for what some term an insurrection, or at least an attempt to overthrow a fair election. The endless possibilities are not very good. And despite the hopes of liberals, not a slam dunk. Despite the hopes of conservatives, the results will be humiliating - no matter how it goes
personal stories Contents of a Car I cleaned out my car. There was more stuff than you might expect. And it was a study of humanity.
Trump 2024: The Year We Learn the Truth About America "The establishment of our new Government seemed to be the last great experiment for promoting human happiness." -George Washington, January 9, 1790 (Hold your breath George, we might have to shelve this quote).
Immigration "Oh, Maria? Another Gin and Tonic, Please." Right now the total unauthorized population in this country of 340 million is around 11 million. It's about 3%. And they mostly all came for a few reasons; to work, not starve, and not be killed.
personal stories To Grandmother's House We Go The late-night drive home along FM roads took me back to childhood holiday road trips. Passing farms and fields with small frame houses, many bare save for one or two light strings and maybe a plastic manger scene. It took me back.
Immigration Texas: Show Us Your Papers The dynamics of economies and immigration and politics that made the border a unique culture are turning it into what amounts to a war zone.
Texas History Here's Why We Can't Have Nice News We love the negative. It is an axiom in the news business that we don't report planes that land safely or dogs that don't bite. But in the internet age, we find that calling Trump a fascist, or Biden senile will get you noticed.
Texas Politics America's Third World Because Texas is a big and consequential state, often with outsized influence over national political and economic and cultural developments, we have become a kind of petri dish of dumbassery, a place to see what ignorance will grow beyond the lost souls of Abbott and Paxton and Trump’s party.
environment We’re on The Eve of (Self) Destruction We can look into one billboard-sized mirror and see the origins of most of life’s ills. And here’s the pun…it’s not new news that humans, not magic, are the lead source of misery and destruction.
Culture Your Holiday Journey We're a year out from the next presidential election – the president has a full quarter of his term left to serve. But I bet your Thanksgiving sounded like a bad cable news debate. Or worse yet, Thanksgiving with the family. And it's a preview of Christmas to come.
Journalism Goldberg “Parking meters look like periscopes,” I said, as the first video appeared. It was a flood story.