culture wars When the Elite Meet to Eat "You ain't gonna get any nouveau, amandine, thin crust, bottled water, sauteed city food. Food's brown, hot, and plenty of it." -Cookie, the Chuck Wagon cook in "City Slickers"
Trump The Old Man with a Spray Tan The notion that anyone can accept the idea that the former president is the last, best hope to save American democracy is repulsive in the extreme. The opposite, in fact, is true.
Trump An Innocent Man? Republicans are so concerned about Trump’s political ego and their proximity to his putative power that they are willing to toss the rule of law into a ditch flowing with their lickspittle, and further Trump’s destruction of U.S. democratic institutions.
Trump Trumpus Agonistes There is, not a pseudo-religious devotion from evangelical clergy and their followers, but it seems genuinely religious. It is indeed as though Trump is seen as a heaven-sent savior for a nation that is actually, cruising along fairly well.
national politics Inside Our Party Bubbles Should the big things be of concern? Of course! Social Security, Medicare, the horrors of Gaza. But we're a parochial people and the big picture, foreign affairs, they're far down the list, sadly. Most middle-class folks are more worried about the price of eggs at Kroger.
War When Johnny Came Home The odds of Johnny Mata encountering harm or great danger were considered minimal. But Nancili Mata knew her husband, and it made her worry while her family expressed confidence.
Trump A Sham, A Scam and a Witchhunt Lining up behind a candidate in a show of party loyalty is one thing, but slavish devotion in the face of so much slime is quite another. I make this observation as someone who has actually worked in two political campaigns in my life, one Democratic and one Republican.
Israel Biden Did What! On Meet the Press today, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-Belle Reve) was so aflutter when the host mentioned the Reagan precedent, he will need to take to his fainting couch for a spell.
national politics What's the Matter With Kids Today? Gang, we've been here before. In spades. At least we can all agree on one thing - the music was so much better back then.
Journalism The Newsman Dan Rather's story as a journalist and a Texan is compelling and is the subject of a new Netflix documentary. He was dogged and unafraid and at 92, he is still relevant. His own story might be the best one he’s ever told.
Economy The War on Youth The Greatest and Silent Generations understood the importance of a social contract. After having experienced World Wars and the Great Depression, they understood the need to build community. Then their kids (that's us, btw,) got greedy.
Trump Inciteful Analysis, and a Cheap Boob Joke Read about Israel, Iran, John Kennedy, MTG, Chip Roy, and of course, Trump! Now with a free tacky joke! You're welcome!
art The Road Goes On Forever and the Potty Never Ends "There's nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead armadillos"... and apparently a black crapper with blue LED lighting.
US History What Kind of an American Are You? "Trump’s anger is not likely to be constrained by a courtroom. He will send emails to supporters, many of whom struggle to pay their own bills, begging to give him money because he’s a victim. They will send their cash and credit card payments to a man who claims to be among the world’s richest."
International Politics My Melancholy Bibi I have lost a couple of Palestinian friends due to what they perceive as my Israeli bias. I will no doubt see the opposite effect among my Jewish friends. But politics is politics, here or there.
Science The Sun is in Tune If you monitored social media and certain "news" sources, you might have thought that Jesus was spontaneously planning the eclipse as a bit of divine retribution. Or if you listened to certain MAGAts, it was some kind of globalist conspiracy.
national politics Alternate Facts, Yeah, That's the Ticket. It seems the lies don't matter if it's your guy or gal. It has ever been thus. Add a polarized press to the mix and you have a recipe for some really lousy goulash.
national politics Cracks in the American Mosaic I brought the contradictions up with Geiorge W. Bush during an off-camera interview in 2004 and asked him how he could reconcile the inherent meanness of the strategy with who he was as a person, and all he said was, “It’s just politics, Jimmy.”
Trump Happy Easter and Vote for Me Come unto me all ye who travail and are heavy laden, and I'll relieve you of the weight of all that money.
media Balance? We Don’t Need no Stinking Balance. We Need Truth Our political system is now a kaleidoscope of normalized destructive lies because of misguided editorial decisions to seek balance vs truth.
national politics Congress: Delta House Without the Fun "Every fall the trees are filled with underwear, every spring the toilets explode."
Travel Can We All Take a Break and Be Irish for a Moment? Come on, give politics a rest and be happy for one day. On Monday, it's a handful of Advils and politics as usual.
Economy A Broken Land We are convinced the only two kinds of people in this nation are millionaires and those who will very soon be millionaires. There is little accommodation for failure. You are expected to pull yourself up by your bootstraps even if you were born into a family that cannot afford boots.
Texas Politics I Find Your Lack of Imagination Disturbing Texas keeps turning ever rightward, and this last set of primary elections continues the trend. It would be nice to keep public education, but it's not a given. Imagine turning off Friday Night Lights in Texas.
Trump We've Been Here Before "The fear of speaking ill of Putin is so great that when Vlad killed his chief critic, Alexei Navalny, the only mention from Donald J. Trump was to compare his legal troubles to Navalny. One more reminder, Mr. President, Navalny is, uh, dead."