Biden Scratchings in the Dirt "The person who is making America great again is Joe Biden even as the opposition tries to portray him as a lost old soul, bent in the back, scratching pictures in the dirt with a short stick, alone and mumbling."
national politics Welcome Back to Middle School What on earth would trigger someone's fury over seeing a happy young couple enjoying themselves, enjoying each other, and enjoying life?
International Politics Can Anyone Here Play This Game? Governor Ironside here in Texas has decided "Supreme Court/Schmupreme Court. I'll do what seems expedient...I mean, right and proper." Our Attorney General is tracking down trans kids in hospitals in other states. Mexican people are drowning in the Rio Grande and Willie still can't get legal weed.
Economy Masters of Our Universe So many of our Masters of the Universe want to escape earth in their rocketships. If these guys are so smart... smart enough to plot interstellar real estate development, why aren't they smart enough to solve a few problems here, at home?
Trump My Emails Are Trumptastic! "He actually looked into a camera and in front of God and everyone, said that Donald Trump will unite the country. Even New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu (R), couldn't keep from laughing, saying even Trump wouldn't believe that."
national politics Hope is Not a Strategy The apparent inevitability that Trump will become the GOP’s nominee for the third straight time ought to force Democrats into extreme introspection on their armaments in the coming battle for the republic, instead of making unsafe assumptions about its outcome.
International Politics Greeting 2024 with Bright Red Feathers "The drag performer Eula Rochards who outed "Kitara Ravache" (George Santos' performer name) was fairly surprised to hear that he was a Republican."
US History History Does Rhyme After All "Though most of the South had already seceded, when it came time to count electoral votes on February 21st, a crowd formed outside the Capitol with the intent of breaking in and with or without a buffalo horn headdress, disrupting the counting of the electoral votes to confirm Lincoln's victory."
Trump Night, Night, Nikki Haley’s education and experience exceed the tenth grade in Depression era Mississippi reached by my racist father, but she is acting just as influenced by the ways of the old South. Her wizened, conservative, little heart has been unable to surrender the icons and values of Dixie.
US History Frankly My Dear, the Base Doesn't Give a Damn Trump is facing trial for what some term an insurrection, or at least an attempt to overthrow a fair election. The endless possibilities are not very good. And despite the hopes of liberals, not a slam dunk. Despite the hopes of conservatives, the results will be humiliating - no matter how it goes
Trump 2024: The Year We Learn the Truth About America "The establishment of our new Government seemed to be the last great experiment for promoting human happiness." -George Washington, January 9, 1790 (Hold your breath George, we might have to shelve this quote).
Trump Face it, Our Laws are Anemic Is the U.S. Constitution powerless to protect us from a presidential candidate with four criminal indictments? If so, why?
International Politics OK. Uncle! I Give Up. I am inclined to frankly, give up. The forces of commerce and human inertia are too strong. Politicians on the take, the companies that take them, and our own reluctance when confronted with change, will doom it.
national politics Sports, Immigrants, Abbott and Trump as Otter "Lauren Boebert wants to pass new laws to make smuggling drugs and human trafficking, which are of course illegal, even MORE illegal. And they all want a 2,000-mile border wall since the one in Berlin worked so well. I imagine Canada feels like they have rented an apartment above a meth lab."
Texas Music Mug Shots and Rich Cops (and some inspirational country protest music... seriously!) A mugshot made for memes. The most failed police chief in Texas gets a hefty raise. And authentic protest music is back - and it's rising fast on the country charts.
Trump Catch 47, that's some catch, that Catch 47 Trump's advisors have a plan to free us from socialists by controlling everything.
national politics What were you thinking? When you don't just shoot yourself in the foot, but take an M-16 to it.
Texas Politics Tex-a-Tete A fantasy: Angela Paxton sits through the whole impeachment trial, and when it comes time to vote, rises from her chair and gives a big thumbs down. The crowd in the gallery swoons; Paxton's mistress cries out, Ken!” and then a process server walks on the floor and serves Ken with divorce papers!!!
Trump Extremists are Not Conservatives by Definition, They’re Just Evil…by Definition If evil lasts for a long time, it will become a tradition. (Igbo Proverb, southeast Nigeria)
Trump Everybody is Lyin' but Him No one in U.S. history has ever done what Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is about to undertake, and he must see his odds of failure as almost non-existent. Otherwise, why try? Bragg is on neither a fishing expedition nor a witch hunt. The fish has been landed and about to be filleted.
Trump Privilege Gone Wild: Are we tired of it yet? Time to stop ignoring the elephants in our political room. Supporting a leader with unbridled privilege & anti-American tenets is sick. Narcissism and privilege go together like dysfunctional twins. Psychologists know why those afflicted can become destructive and dangerous to themselves and others.
Trump All You Stormy Daniels Fans, Relax. Simmer down, folks. He doesn't see jail time...for this one anyway.