Texas Outlaw Writers' Podcast: What Would Governor Ann Richards Think?
Margaret Justus, Gov. Ann Richards former deputy press secretary, talks with the Outlaws about the Ann Richards Legacy Project's new book, "The One Ann Only: Wit and Wisdom from Texas Governor Ann Richards"

Margaret Justus of Justus Communications talks about the Ann Richards Legacy Project, an effort to cement Richards' legacy as Texas' favorite governor. The most recent product coming from the project is the new book, The One Ann Only: Wit and Wisdom from Texas Governor Ann Richards.
Margaret, as former deputy press secretary for Gov. Richards, had a front-row seat during Richards' campaign and while she was Texas' favorite governor. There are stories to tell, and Margaret loves to talk about the Governor's legacy. Richards' humor and wit live on, and so does her service to Texas. If she were here today, what WOULD Ann Richards think about our current political mess? Join the Texas Outlaw Writers as they share stories (and laughs) about The One Ann Only.
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