To Spite Your Face
Trump lopped off his nose in the debate. In addition, his campaign, close allies, and the whole GOP are an army of noseless ghouls wreaking havoc on others. An entire political party bent on cutting off their nose simply to spite their face.

He Was De Baited
I was going to do my entire piece this week on the little debate last week... the one that The Former Guy lost bigly. You know he lost because he made that doughy crumpled-up face the minute it was over and declared himself the winner. The remorahs around him circled up and in unison proclaimed him victorious. Post-debate, the polls showed him trailing badly... even Republicans who were afraid to say it out loud were whispering what a disaster it was.
Vice President Harris's advisors, consultants, aides, and supporters all revealed publicly that her strategy would be to bait Trump into losing his composure by needling him about his sensitive issues: his admiration for dictators, his small and boring rallies, his flip-flopping on abortion law, his constant racism, and his ties to Project 2025. She framed his election loss in 2020 as being "fired by 81 million people." She got under his thin skin and stayed there.
Just 11 Minutes into the debate, she mentioned the crowd size at his rallies. Like an angry toddler who missed his nap, he put on his pouty tantrum face and charged into that ane every trap she laid. He wasted his time denying her charges, fuming about the attacks on him, and as usual, making personal attacks on her. The more rattled he got, the more unhinged his rhetoric became. He would repeat and amplify a false accusation that "In Springfield, they're eating the dogs! The people that came in, they're eating the cats! They're eating the pets of the people that live there." It was a racist trope designed to ignite his base. Though it was debunked repeatedly, Haitian immigrants have been targeted in Springfield, Ohio since the debate.
Harris remained poised and responded to his usual "firehose of falsehoods" by laughing at him, shaking her head, and giving the audience expressions of incredulity. His team had been all over the media suggesting that all he had to do was to stay focussed on the issues that she was perceived to be weak on: inflation, border failures (and immigration in general,) and her inability to implement her core policy goals in the last 4 years.
He couldn't do it, even though he was prepped. He knew what was coming. He was briefed on how to attack. All he had to do was remain disciplined and in control. The Times reported that his closest advisors begged him to be "happy Trump” rather than “mean, bully Trump.” He just couldn't do it. He lacks any self-control. Surprised?
When even the right-wing press started expressing doubt, the excuses and conspiracy theories grew like kudzu. She knew the questions in advance! She had a secret earpiece! The moderators were biased!
Those awful media types even dared to fact-check Combover Caligula and redirect the audience:
— Moms are not murdering their babies.
— Migrants aren’t eating your pets.
— Biden won the 2020 election.
You see how the fix was in!!!
Rather than debate the issues, Trump, as always chose (or rather his instincts were) to insult his opponent and spread baseless, racist rumors in an attempt to inflame his cult. By doing so, he lost the debate.
Heard it on the X
The debate was so bizarre, so completely weird, that anti-Trumpers had a field day (or night, as the case was) on social media. Positive attitudes among progressives had been running high ever since Biden stepped down, but people were still nervous about what kind of showing Vice President Harris could make against the Mango Mussolini. When she crushed it, (or rather crushed him,) progressives and other anti-Trumpers were giddy.
As much as I detest Twitter, er, sorry, Elon, "X," and the flaming dumpster that it has become since Musk's brilliant mind took it over - it is still a place to get instantaneous news from all over the world. Many have abandoned the platform, but newsmakers, reporters, comics, and a few other bright folks still hang out and post some smart and often funny stuff there. You just have to tiptoe around a minefield of trolls.
After the debate, the memes and commentary were hilarious, and it was being produced and distributed almost as fast as Trump's firehose of falsehoods.

Cut off your nose
There's an old expression my grandma (and many others) used as a warning against vengeful acts or acts of revenge that exact a high price. "He cut off his nose to spite his face." If you drive your car through a neighbor's fence to get even with him over some small slight, you have damaged his fence to the tune of a few bucks, but you've probably done a couple thousand dollars worth of damage to your car. The phrase has possible roots in the Middle Ages when cutting off noses was a nifty form of state punishment or just a nasty act of violence.
Trump lopped off his nose in the debate. In addition, his campaign, close allies, and the whole GOP are an army of noseless ghouls wreaking havoc on others. An entire political party bent on cutting off their nose simply to spite their face.
• Republicans repeat the lie that legal Haitian immigrants in Springfield are killing and eating the town's pets in order to dog-whistle racism. It's meant to dehumanize immigrants. In doing so, they disgust the few independents and "undecideds" that they need to win an election. Not to mention the devasting effect it has on immigrants who are being threatened and attacked. Bomb threats are closing businesses and schools. City leaders and business owners have defended the Haitians and the work they do. A local business owner noted that “Our Haitian associates come to work every day, they don’t have drug problems, they’ll stay at their machines, they’ll achieve their numbers, they are here to work – that’s a sharp difference from what we’re used to.” The immigrants have been crucial in restoring a dying town. Out of fear, many of them are talking about leaving
• On the GOP wishlist of policies that they want when Trump returns to power is the deportation of ALL immigrants, legal or otherwise. The net result of that would be a wrecked economy. If a massive labor force just disappeared, everyone would be poorer.
• FoxNews promoted what they knew to be the absurd lie that voting machines in 2020 switched Trump votes to Biden. The intention was to create political chaos, grow their ratings, and entertain their audience. They would end up losing three-quarters of a billion dollars in one lawsuit alone.
• More and more Republicans are ignoring vaccine requirements and recommendations for children as they return to school. Millions refused to get Covid vaccines, claiming (falsely) that the vaccines were more deadly than the disease. Their refusal is a show of personal liberty and anti-government defiance. The result has been a return of diseases once thought eradicated in the country, like measles. Hundreds of thousands needlessly died from Covid.
• And probably the most disturbing nose job comes from ammosexual gun owners. The refusal of the far right to even consider common sense gun regulations that might prevent the violent, the mentally ill, and criminals from getting military-style firearms continues to lead to mass shooting events. Even though candidate Harris and her VP choice Tim Walz own guns, they are rumored to want to take all YOUR guns away. The MAGA crowd declares that their refusal to consider limitations on gun ownership is for safety and protection. Tell that to the families of children and teachers slaughtered in their classrooms.
Revenge is fun
Social scientists have known for a while that revenge is sweet. We're wired for it. On an evolutionary level, retribution was justice. If your cave-man neighbor stole from you or hurt someone in your family, a person might be justified in seeking an eye for an eye (or, er, a nose for a nose.)
Various experiments have been conducted that show that humans are motivated by vengeance. In fact, we rather enjoy it. Researchers conducted brain scans of people who had been "wronged" in a game that they had recently played. The researchers discussed with the subject how they could get even with their opponent. The subject was given a minute to fantasize about their revenge as scans were recording their brain activity. Scientists could see a significant increase in neural activity in the caudate nucleus (the area of the brain that in addition to controlling other high-level functioning, is the center that processes reward, pleasure, and goal-directed behavior in general. It is a key player in the dopamine reward center.)
They're Eating The Dogs, They're Eating The Cats!
It is no wonder that right-wing propaganda that focuses on anger, and getting even for perceived victimization is so successful. But here's the thing: that dopamine rush for vengeful thoughts (or acts)? It's momentary. You gotta keep revenge going to continue pleasure... ask any junkie or anyone at a Trump rally. That's a lot of nose damage... how good does that feel? But it's tough to take the long view. It's tough to do the work for long-term success when it's so much fun to storm the capital in a dopamine-fueled rage.
One More Debate Meme to Consider
There was one other Tweet posted on the night of the debate, a cautionary thought:

Polls and emotions are running in favor of Harris at this moment. This isn't a time to relax, nor is it a time for ugly, physical confrontations. This is the time to push ahead and look to November.
"Vengeance is mine", sayeth the Lord.
Sure, Lord, but that can take an eternity, amIright?
And as long as we're pulling out "old sayings" concerning revenge, keep in mind that it's "a dish best served cold." I think Sinatra had it right when he said: "The best revenge is massive success.”
Taken together... stay calm amidst the fire and fury of the vulgar, insulting Trump campaign. Plan and properly execute the whole getting even thing, it's the way to massive success. And what's that get-even plan? Vote. "Revenge Vote," if you like. Vote like your country and future depend on it. Grab your friends, neighbors, adult children, and relatives... make them register and then drag them to the polls. Just vote!
No sense in losing your nose over this.